
My name is Soroush Javdan. I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Carleton Univesity. I started my Ph.D. in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Olga Baysal. My research will be focused on developing data-driven and analysis-based solutions relevant to the feild of software engeneering. I recevied my master’s degree at the Iran Science and Technology University. My MSc thesis was about personalized dialogue generation which was supervied by Prof. Morteza Analoui. Additionally, I have participated as a team member on research like Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, Offensive Language Detection and Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis.

Taking about professional life, I started my serious programming career in 2013, which gave me a remarkable opportunity to understand programming challenges and development procedures. In 2018, I was a member of a team that develops “Jaundice detection in newborns.” It was a worthy experience for me since it was always one of my goals to use my knowledge to improve people’s health.

Contact me

Email: soroush_javdan@comp.iust.ac.ir, SOROUSHJAVDAN@cmail.carleton.ca